New Bern Civil Representation Litigation Lawyer
In an ideal world, all of our disputes with other people or organizations could be resolved quickly and between the parties. Unfortunately, as we’ve all learned over the years, that ideal is rarely seen in practice. Chesnutt & Clemmons is here to fight for the interests of our clients in any dispute. And while a negotiated settlement is the goal, we aren’t afraid to go to court if that’s what it takes to get fairness.
Our New Bern litigation lawyers serve clients throughout Craven County. We also routinely work with people and businesses from Pamlico County, Carteret County, including Havelock. Our bilingual firm can help both the English and Spanish-speaking communities.
Call today at (252) 300-0133 or reach out online to set up a free consultation. Payment plans available.
Common Issues in North Carolina Litigation
The possible reasons that a person or business could need litigation counsel is a large list, but some common ones include the following…
- An employee believes their termination or denial of a promotion was unjust.
- A business is moving toward a merger with another enterprise or acquiring a new entity.
- Either businesses or individuals have disputes over whether the terms of a contract were upheld.
- An individual is injured through what they believe was the negligence of another person or of an organization.
- There is a dispute between a business and its shareholders.
All of these are issues that could be settled through private negotiation. They may need to be settled in a court of law.
Put the New Bern litigation attorneys from Chesnutt & Clemmons on your side by calling (252) 300-0133 or filling out our online contact form to arrange for a free consultation.
How the Litigation Process Works in Craven County
The lawyer for the party who believes they were wronged must file a formal complaint with the court. That complaint must be very specific, including the exact reasons they were wronged (the cause of action) and the financial recompense that’s being sought (the damages). The defendant will then be given time to file an answer.
Once the complaint and answer are both on the books, the parties can proceed to the discovery process. This is where they can request documents and other information that would presumably benefit for their case. For example, a shareholder that believes they are being defrauded might seek discovery pertaining to the company’s financial books. While either party can petition the court for a discovery request to be denied, courts are generally favorable towards any request that is pertinent to the cause of action and damages cited in the complaint.
It has to be emphasized that this process can be halted at any time if the parties are able to negotiate an agreement. The vast majority of legal disputes are, in fact, settled before going to trial.
But whether a party feels the settlement is fair may, in large part, come down to how good their New Bern litigation lawyer is. The attorney must be comfortable going to trial and making their case in front of a judge and jury. Legal counsel must have a firm grasp of what is likely to happen at trial, based on both knowledge of the law and personal experience. This knowledge can inform negotiations. And a track record of success can certainly be a powerful message to the opposing party about the risks of going to trial.
Tough, Reliable & Aggressive Lawyers You Can Trust
Chesnutt & Clemmons has built up an excellent reputation in the community going back to our founding in 1994. We’ve won hard cases and secured fair settlements. Our reputation has helped us keep new talent flowing into the firm, something that ensures we can keep building strong cases for our clients and advocating for them with the vigor they deserve.
Call the New Bern office today at (252) 300-0133 or contact us online. We work with people and businesses throughout Craven County and into Pamlico County, Carteret County, including Havelock.
Five-Star Client Reviews
"They dont treat people like a case number, they genuinely care about the people they represent. An unsurpassed level of expertise and knowledge is prevalent in every aspect of your experience."Danny W.
They guided me through the process that was quite lengthy
Kevin S. -
"Got a ticket while on vacation and got back to real life, forgetting about it until a week before my court date.
"Kevin J.